This week we finally had some rain. Yaaaaaaaay. It was a little hard to find the time to get out paddling to take advantage of the water but I managed it nonetheless. (of course). Had a nice spin or two in Wicklow. I think I possibly spent more time in a kayak this week than I did standing up.
Working with the schools groups was fun this week as we managed to ditch the kayaks for a bit and run down a weir on foot. I hadn’t seen that done before. Good fun. The beginners group on Thursday night completed their first river trip on the Liffey. It was a beautiful sunny evening and they did really well. Adrenaline junkies. The Tue night evening session in Blessington was freezing..again! Must be something about Tuesdays..or Blessington..or both! Nonetheless that gang are starting to get really good and I think it’s time for a bit of a spin down the river next Tue. Woo hoo.
Well done to everyone on the intro session in Blessington on Saturday morning. Everyone falls in that many times at the start. I promise (fingers crossed)!!!
On Saturday afternoon the intermediate gang paddled the Annamoe. They are all doing so well. It was a gorgeous sunny afternoon which is just as well as it took us a good while to paddle down due to the just about runnable levels (and one or two spills!). We had a great laugh on the way down but as somebody wise once said “what goes on the river stays on the river” so you will just have to take my word for it.
Sunday morning was time for the Level 4 skills training. Well done guys. We even managed to have a nicely pinned boat which provided a nice scenario for practice.
So after much boat lifting and kayaking and van loading and unloading, a few football matches and one or two late nights I’m beginning to realise that it’s very hard to fit everything I would like to do into one day. Wouldn’t it be great if we had just a few more hours. I have 4 weeks to go to the Race the Ras (check out the website and support it) so it will be 7am starts for me for the next 4 weeks to make up for the lack of training over the past few months (sorry Eamon!). Eek.
We are organising a kayak event for the Special Olympics this July and we are looking for volunteers so if you would like to help out drop us a mail and we will fill you in on the details.
Ok time for sleep.
ps. The rain is hitting my window as I type so it looks like we will have water next week as well. Woo hooo.